Meet the Team

Gonçalo Barbosa - CAPTAIN
With the Atlantic ocean omnipresent, it is no surprise that Gonçalo’s childhood dreams were of a life at sea. He has made them all come true. Very few people on Madeira have his unique set of competencies: fisherman, boat builder, engineer, host.
Beneath his ‘viking’-looks lies a friendly, open and optimistic personality you will come to like and appreciate from the moment you meet him.
Nothing escapes his watchful eye, whether on deck, below deck or in the water. He applies the same high quality standards to all aspects of his work, starting with your experience on board. Whilst searching for the species of your choice, he will also direct your attention to other wildlife such as whales, dolphins, sea turtles and sharks. If he doesn’t spot it, it’s most probably not around!
Goncalo’s experience has earned him the title of FishRazr Pro Staff Team Captain and he promises that this year, even bigger things will happen.
Goncalo sits high up in the tower
Shouting down at us like he has all the power
Long Left! Short Right! Set the shotgun Further!
We give him looks like him we could murder.Seriously though, he’s a fantastic Captain
Handles the fishing, the engines, everything that’s happening!
What a season it is going to be
With Team GDM together out at sea!Goncalo might run his crew a little bit tight
But only because he tries with all his might
To get you in the chair winding in the shotgun
When you come to fish abord the Boca Raton!

Melanie Robinson - CAPTAIN & MANAGER
Born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago, Melanie has spent the majority of her life on and under the water. Diving, spear fishing and big game fishing are her passion and profession. Melanie has travelled to fisheries around the world and had the exceptional opportunity to live in Ascension Island and St Helena experiencing the wonderous fisheries there. Melanie is also the founder and manufacturer of world renown MelDorado teasers. She is also a Pro Team Staff Captain with FishRazr and manages the day to day operations of the charters. Should you need anything at all for your trip; Reach out to her and she will be sure to try and do everything possible to make it happen!
Melanie keeps the boys under tight wraps
She wont let them sit or even take a nap
Makes sure there’s always food on the boat
She remembers all about your wishes that you spokeIf you tell her all the things you want for your trip
She’ll make sure you have it without a beat or a skip
Contact her if you want to book
She’ll have it all sorted without a second look.You might see her in the tower or down on the deck
Making sure that you have all you select
The boys are smart and call her their Queen
Cause she keeps the cogs oiled and running a dream!

Diogo Barbosa - CAPTAIN & DECKHAND
Born and raised in Calheta, Madeira. Diogo comes from a long line of fishermen. He has an avid passion for fishing and you’ll find him in the sea even on his days off. Diogo is an excellent deckhand and mate and works hard to ensure that the cockpit runs smooth and comfortably for your trip. He brings a youthful passion and excitement to the deck and will be sure to keep you hydrated, entertained and bring your fish in on the wire!
Call our new deckhand Diogo cause that’s his name
And I tell you this; he ain’t new to this game
He’s gonna be the one in charge of your wire
You might hear him shout out “You gotta wind harder”!Don’t be fooled by his age and his baby face
He grew up in the sea, that’s his natural place.
He keeps the deck tidy and cleans out all the hatch spaces
And works hard so that you can have smiles on your faces.He’s full of stories from out at sea
Ask him about his family legacy.
Hails from long line of fishing these waters
I’m sure some of his stories will fill you with laughter!

Tony Roden - OWNER
Even Cowboys love fishing!!!
After decades of running his businesses in Texas and making fishing trips to Hawaii, Tony traded the TTT Longhorn Ranch and moved to Madeira in pursuit of his “grander” dreams. Buying the Boca Raton from his good friend Frits, continuing the legacy of Adrian’s vision has become his passion in paradise. Tony runs the corporate side of the business and monitors operations when he isn’t fishing himself.
Tony has an unwavering stoicism and prides himself on being a great boss which all his team will attest to.
Tony be like our crew’s Jesus
Our knight in armour when Adrian couldn’t be with us
With a fresh attitude and a smile on his face
He made for us the best workplace.To know that Adrian is in good hands
Back singing and fishing with his band
May his soul rest in heaven up there
Looking down at us fishing his boat so dearTony has some idea what he’s done
Bringing memories and sentiment to not just one
Frits, Gonçalo, Grace, Diogo and me
Will run this gift in Adrian’s legacyThank you Tony for saving all these souls
We’ll bring it home like the Super Bowl
We’ll take the clients out fishing in that sea so blue
And endeavour to make their fishing dreams come true!

Adrian Bowmer (1967-2023)
With us in spirit and we continue fishing Boca Raton in his legacy. Adrian was brought up fishing and hunting with his father. The ocean was his second big love after his family and being able to run his own charter operation was a dream come true. We miss him dearly but we also know we now have a guardian angel ‘on steroids’, watching over us each wave we cross.
Adrian left us suddenly and way too soon
He was loved dearly from the earth to the moon
All he dreamed of was to go out and fish
And tick off all the species on his bucket list.A good man who put his family and friends first
With him around, for love, did no one thirst.
Boca Raton will continue to run in his honour
And we’ll nod him every time we catch a fish upon her.RIP Adrian