Team Boca Raton Values

Team Boca Raton aims to realise every angler’s dream fishing the Jurassic Park of fishing across the North East Atlantic Ocean.

Tagging – Catch and Release

Equipped with Billfish Foundation tagging equipment. We aim to tag and release our billfish catches in order to conserve and sustain the fishery but also to be able to offer important data to the scientists for their research of these highly migratory species.

Tags provide vital data on migration patterns, growth rates, life span and behaviour.

This allows us on Boca Raton to take an active role in not only the protection and conservation of these species but also to ensure that the sport can be enjoyed by future generations.

Should you be lucky enough to have caught and tagged a fish on board with us, you will be lucky enough to have your Billfish Foundation Certificate and be able to follow the journey of your catch.


Concierge Service

Team Boca Raton not only aims to give you the best fishing experience possible but is at your service to help cater to all your needs while you are on your trip. Be sure to reach out and ask for help with any reservations, bookings or other island tours you might want to experience while you are here. Every thing from your pick up to the airport, restaurant bookings, island tours, activities for the non fishing persons in your group, special meal accommodations etc, can be arranged by us. We are here to ensure that you have a 5* trip of a lifetime.

Safety first
Maritime laws differ in every country and Team Boca Raton prides themselves in ensuring that the boat is completely within the maritime safety regulations. We ensure that the engines are serviced regularly, that all safety equipment such as the AIS, EPIRB, Radio are working and licenced. Life jackets have also been upgraded to more comfortable ISO standards and worn around the waist for your comfort and safety while at sea. We are fully licensed and insured for all fishing activities as well as if you want to stop and take a dip in the sea.

Respect for the natural habitat we explore
Both on the island and on the ocean, we are constantly reminded of the incredible beauty of nature. Our aim is to strike a balance between our ambitions and the environment in which we strive to achieve them. This translates directly in the way we deal with caught fish. When bottom fishing, we never take home more than we need to satisfy your appetite for the day. 

Fishing Laws dictate that caught fish belong to the clients and we will always inform you which species are allowed to be taken and inform you regarding sizes and quotas. If the quota has not been filled, you are allowed to keep any game species such as tuna or wahoo. Should you wish to keep this species but not want all of it, we can, with your permission, distribute it to the local community who would benefit from having this gift on their table. Billfish species we will always tag and release with the exception of the World Cup should it be considered to be a qualifying fish.

In the sad event of a fish dying in the fight, We report the issue to the fisheries department and take instruction from them. In some cases they request that the fish be brought to them for scientific research and it is then distributed to the community for consumption.